Social Media Marketing SMM

Insead Technologies focuses on providing measurable results through customized social media marketing solutions. We take great pride in creating tailored programs, aligned with your goals. Let’s work together to identify your audience, craft your story, and share it with the world.

Social Media marketing.

Social media marketing is all about meeting your target audience and customers where they are and as they socially interact with each other and your brand.
While social media marketing as a whole is incredibly valuable and beneficial to your business growth, your strategy will differ based on which social network your audience spends their time on.

Why Is Social Media Marketing Important?

The key to successful social media marketing is keeping yourself updated with the never-ending trends, updates, and business opportunities.
Full funnel social media marketing that leaves your customer wanting more


Buyer Personas
For any marketing strategy — digital or not — you need to know who you're marketing to. The excellent social media marketing strategy infrastructure is built upon precise buyer personas, , it help you Discover the loopholes in social media strategy ,our team will do social listening and research, then define quick wins to get you on the right path build buyer persona
Evaluate Existing Social Media Assets
We will review your all social media assets such as Owned media (Refers to the digital assets your brand or company owns), Earned media ( Related to the exposure you earned through word-of-mouth marketing )and Paid media (any medium through which you pay in exchange for increased visibility) .Then determine what to incorporate in strategy, it's helpful to consider the big picture .
Plan Content
At the heart of social media marketing is content. Content helps convert your visitors into leads and customers while improving your brand’s online presence. We don’t just post content . We create content that customer love to read , need to publish a lot of content for each of your buyer personas at different stages of the buyer’s journey
awareness stage , consideration stage decision stage
Specific Audience Targeting
It doesn’t matter how informative and engaging is content, it will not be able propagate conversions if content doesn’t reach the right audience . Marketing through social media allows you to identify and categorize your ideal customers by age, location and online activities, among other metrics. Social media marketing experts determine and analyze of your niche market to understand your target customers’ online behavior and create relevant content and ads to address customer pain point .
A/B Testing
A/B testing is also known as split tests, allow you to compare 2 versions of social media campaign to learn which is more effective. Simply put, do your users like version A or version B? Minor changes, Major improvements When the test is done, you find that changing the latter 3 elements increases conversions by 6% each. you have a shot at bringing in 18% more revenue than you did before.

Low risks, high rewards A/B testing is not only cost effective, it's time efficient. You test 2 or 3 elements and get your answer.
Making the most of traffic If you use A/B testing to make your website as effective as it can be, you can get more conversions per visitor. The higher your conversion percentage is, the less time and money you'll need to spend on marketing. That's because, in theory, everyone who visits your website is more likely to act.
High Search Rankings and Exposure
Social media marketing is continually progressing and adapting, becoming a powerful online marketing resource for companies and brands. The more people share your content across social media channels, the more traffic they send to your website, and therefore, the better your search rankings. that allow you to interact with a broader online community.
Increase Profitability
Profits is only thing you earn in the end of day to run your business . Social media marketing give a huge leverage for small businesses and as well as for large enterprises . it help you to reach your ideal clients in most cost-effective way. Multiples social media platforms entitle you to potray your products and services at a low priced in unlimited number of locations. Our social media marketing company performs in-depth business reviews, audience analysis and competitor benchmarking to determine the most profitable techniques for your business.



10 of the Most Crucial Key Performance Indicators


This includes clicks, comments, likes, and replies on your social media posts. There are also platform-specific types of engagement such as “Saved” posts on Instagram and “Pinned” posts on Pinterest.


Post reach is the number of unique users who saw your post.


This is the number of people you have on your profile who have clicked your “Follow” button and see your content in their feeds regularly.


This is the number of times a post from your profile or page is seen, whether or not your audience members click on it. This is often what happens when someone is scrolling through their newsfeed, but not clicking on anything.

Video views

On Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or any other social channel with video capabilities, this is the number of views each gets.

Profile visits

The number of people who have opened your social media page is your number of profile visits.


This is the number of times your profile has been mentioned by audience members in their posts.


This is when your audience adds the name of your company’s profile or your hashtag to another post.


These are the posts your followers and audience take from your profile and share with their network


This is when a member of your audience posts a piece of your content on their profile

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